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Article: Yann Koubdjé and Oligu Nguemai's presidential plane, or how everything goes off the rails in the middle of the Constitutional debate?

Gabon 2025

Yann Koubdjé and Oligu Nguemai's presidential plane, or how everything goes off the rails in the middle of the Constitutional debate?

In the midst of constitutional turmoil, Yann Koubdjé manages to turn the spotlight on himself. In the midst of a debate around Article 53 and the risks of concentration of power, he proudly displays the luxurious fittings of a presidential plane. But Koubdjé's story is not limited to this 30 billion CFA franc plane. No, the man has pots and pans that clink loudly.

A car accident while under the influence of alcohol only added to the reputation of a controversial figure, known for his pronounced tastes for partying and women. Even more disturbing, he once ratted out Brice Laccruche Alihanga and Noureddine Bongo , throwing oil on the fire of the Bongo scandal. At the time of Ali Bongo, Koubdjé managed institutional accounts, a critical position where anything could be at stake. So, what makes Oligui Nguema believe that this loyal advisor will not do the same to him?

The plane, a veritable flying palace, is perhaps just one more illustration of the gulf that separates the promises of the Transition and the reality of the privileges preserved by a certain elite. A Transition that nevertheless promised a radical break with the excesses of the past. The Gabonese, exhausted by years of famine, are wondering: is Koubdjé, this man who has already betrayed his own people, not a time bomb?

As the referendum on the new Constitution approaches, and Article 53 crystallizes all fears of a seizure of power, this episode could well put Oligui in a delicate position. If the Transition is supposed to restore the institutions, Koubdjé's presidential plane could on the contrary mark the return of outrageous privileges.

"There is still time to rectify the situation and withdraw this deadly draft Constitution."
Alain-Claude Bilie By Nze

Nguema 's silence remains deafening. Should he react firmly, or let the media storm pass? This scandal is a distraction he could have done without, especially since his opponents will certainly use it to fuel the constitutional debate. In the meantime, the Koubdjé affair could well offer the Transition's detractors the perfect opportunity to challenge the CTRI's agenda. And it is not a drunken car accident or well-hidden institutional accounts that will calm popular anger.

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