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Are you eligible for the presidency of Gabon?

The draft Article 53 of the Constitution imposes strict criteria for eligibility to the presidency. This interactive test allows you to check if you meet the necessary requirements. Based on your answers, you will discover to what extent the criteria of nationality, residence and local language can influence access to the highest offices in the country.

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Informations Personnelles

Âge :
Remarque : Vous devez avoir entre 35 et 70 ans pour être éligible.
Sexe :

Nationalité et Origine

Quelle est votre nationalité actuelle ?
Possédez-vous une double nationalité ou plusieurs nationalités ?
Si vous avez une autre nationalité que gabonaise, avez-vous renoncé à cette nationalité au moins deux ans avant l'élection présidentielle ?
Lieu de naissance de votre père :
Nationalité de votre père au moment de votre naissance :
Lieu de naissance de votre mère :
Nationalité de votre mère au moment de votre naissance :

Statut Marital

Votre statut matrimonial actuel :
Si vous êtes marié(e), nationalité de votre conjoint(e) :
Lieu de naissance de votre conjoint(e) :
Nationalité du père de votre conjoint(e) :
Nationalité de votre mère conjointe :


Où résidez-vous actuellement ?
Avez-vous résidé au Gabon sans interruption pendant les trois dernières années précédant l'élection présidentielle ?
Si vous avez voyagé à l'étranger au cours des trois dernières années, quelle a été la durée totale de vos absences du Gabon ?

Langues Locales

Parlez-vous au moins une langue locale gabonaise ?
Si oui, lesquelles ? (Vous pouvez cocher plusieurs réponses)

État de Santé Physique et Mental

Comment décririez-vous votre état de santé physique actuel ?
Comment décririez-vous votre état de santé mental actuel ?
Êtes-vous prêt(e) à faire constater votre état de santé par un collège médical désigné par la Cour constitutionnelle ?

Droits Civils et Politiques

Êtes-vous inscrit(e) sur les listes électorales du Gabon ?
Avez-vous déjà été condamné(e) pour une infraction pénale ?
Si oui, avez-vous été réhabilité(e) et vos droits civils et politiques vous ont-ils été restitués ?
Actuellement, jouissez-vous pleinement de vos droits civils et politiques sans aucune restriction ?

Summary of eligibility criteria

  • To be eligible for the presidency of Gabon, a candidate must:
  • Age : Candidate must be between 35 and 70 years old .
  • Nationality : The candidate must be of Gabonese nationality and, in the event of multiple nationality, must have renounced any other nationality at least two years before the election .
  • Origin of parents : The candidate must have Gabonese parents (by birth or naturalized).
  • Spouse : The candidate must be married to a Gabonese spouse by birth or naturalized, and the spouse's parents must also be Gabonese.
  • Residence : The candidate must reside in Gabon and have resided there without interruption for the last three years preceding the election.
  • Language : The candidate must speak at least one local Gabonese language .
  • Health : The candidate must be in good physical and mental health , with a medical certificate issued by a designated authority.
  • Electoral registration : The candidate must be registered on the electoral lists of Gabon.
  • Clean criminal record : The candidate must not have any criminal convictions , unless rehabilitated and his civil and political rights have been restored.

Study to estimate the Gabonese population potentially eligible for the Presidency according to Article 53 of the Constitution

1. Population between 35 and 70 years old

Official data from the 2023 General Population and Housing Census (RGPL) managed by the Ministry of Economy and Statistics confirm the age distribution of the Gabonese population. In 2013, approximately 30% of the population was between 30 and 70 years old, which can be extrapolated for 2024. This age group is expected to include approximately 28% of the population in 2024, or approximately 711,000 people ( Official Journal Gabon ) ( Eco Participation ).

2. Gabonese nationality (without dual nationality)

According to the Gabonese Nationality Code published by the Ministry of Justice, approximately 92% of the Gabonese population holds only Gabonese nationality, with a small fraction (approximately 8%) having dual nationality, often due to marriages or births abroad​ ( Ministry of Justice Gabon )​( Journal Officiel Gabon ).

3. Parents Gabonese by birth or naturalized

The Ministry of Justice stipulates that to be considered Gabonese by birth, a candidate must have parents (father and mother) who are Gabonese, by birth or naturalized. This criterion would eliminate approximately 15% of the population who may not meet these strict requirements ( Ministry of Justice Gabon ).

4. Married to a Gabonese spouse

The 2013 General Population and Housing Census , published by the Ministry of Economy , found that 49.7% of adults were married. However, about 30% of these spouses may not meet the strict nationality criterion ( Eco Participation ).

5. Parents of the Gabonese spouse

The additional requirements regarding the spouse's parents, who must also be Gabonese, could exclude about 20% of the remaining people, according to statistics on international marriages in Gabon ( Ministry of Justice Gabon ).

6. Residence in Gabon for the last three years

The Ministry of Interior is responsible for verifying residency. According to government estimates, approximately 5% of the eligible population may not meet this requirement due to prolonged stays abroad ( Journal Officiel Gabon ).

7. Local language

The majority of Gabonese speak at least one local language, which eliminates only about 2% of the population who may not be fluent in a local language ( Eco Participation ).

8. Physical and mental health

The Ministry of Health manages the health assessment of candidates. About 5% of potential candidates could be disqualified due to health problems ( Journal Officiel Gabon ).

9. Clean criminal record

About 10% of citizens could be disqualified due to past criminal convictions, according to data from the Ministry of Justice Gabon on criminal records.

Final estimate

Approximately 123,520 Gabonese, or an estimate of between 4.9% and 6.27% of the total population, would be potentially eligible to run for president, taking into account the strict eligibility criteria of Article 53 of the Constitution.
These data are based on official sources from the Official Journal of the Gabonese Republic and the Ministry of Justice ( Journal Officiel Gabon ) ( Ministry of Justice Gabon ) ( Eco Participation ).

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