Gabon: Oligui and his reforms, a new lease of life or cosmetic adjustments?
The recent national dialogue in Gabon, under the aegis of President Oligui, has produced a set of ambitious reforms. Political, economic, social: everything is covered. But what should we really expect from these announced changes?
On the political level, the major reform remains the establishment of a strong presidential regime, coupled with the temporary suspension of political parties. This choice is presented as a necessity to get out of the current political impasse and give more coherence to the management of the country. However, this type of measure often has a bad press, because it sometimes seems to be a way for the power in place to maintain itself without opposition. It remains to be seen whether, this time, the intention will be followed by tangible results.
On the economic side, diversification is the key word. Gabon, historically dependent on oil, is now turning to new sectors: mining, timber, and local production. On paper, this looks like a relevant plan to free the country from its dependence on black gold. But there are many challenges. How can we develop these sectors without repeating past mistakes, where resources often benefited only a handful of privileged people? To succeed, this economic transition must be inclusive and truly beneficial to the entire population.
Social reforms, for their part, show a real desire for change. The increase in budgets dedicated to education and health is seen as a response to popular demands. The vocational training policy, focused on young people, is also an encouraging sign. However, the Gabonese are well placed to know that promises are one thing, their realization is another. The question remains whether the resources will actually be put in place to make these commitments a reality, or whether these reforms will remain good intentions on paper.
In short, Oligui seems to want to make his mark with reforms that affect areas that are crucial to Gabon's future. However, these announcements, however ambitious, must be accompanied by rigorous and transparent implementation.
The success of these reforms will depend largely on the government's ability to include all sections of the population in this process, and to prove that this time, the change is real and lasting.